"Layers of emotion and sensation are woven masterfully in the character of Laura, portrayed by Alisha Seaton...her performance drives the role with the patina of masterful hammer and elegant grit.
Laura is at once alluring and tragic, beckoning and offensive. Her expressions, determined and convicted, adrift and desperate, repel us in a way that her dresses allure. The audience ultimately must battle this sea of repulsion and attraction and the aftermath she creates…”
--Katherine Bennett, Film Snobbery on Mother's Red Dress
"...most of the film is stolen by charismatic actress Alisha Seaton who...gives a strong and nuanced performance as this warrior woman..."
--Cinema crazed on Mirk Riders
"Alisha Seaton gives a very good and vulnerable performance as this woman dabbling with temptation...Seaton's performance is so pitch perfect that Maggie is a vulnerable, tragic, and oddly likable portrait of a woman who just can't quite grow up...Alisha Seaton's powerful performance, paired with Lerner's top notch production, makes "Maggie's Not Here" a superb short drama."
--Felix Vasquez Jr. of Cinema-Crazed.com on Maggie's Not Here
"Speaking of Joan, she is an immediately appealing character, all due to Alisha Seaton's performance. Frankly I think Cohen should make a semi-sequel in which Joan has her own little adventure, if only because Seaton has so much fun on camera and is so natural."
--Jonathon Pernisek of Rogue Cinema on Peter's Price
" Seaton is obviously a professional, and her delivery is nearly flawless.…Seaton has near complete mastery over the language and always maintains a satisfactory compromise between Elizabethan diction and contemporary meaning."
--Backstage West, on Macbeth, Psyche and Eros Productions
"Alisha Seaton's Geri is a vixen Susan Sarandon might have played early in her career, seducing one minute,
devouring her prey the next.
--Burbank Leader/Glendale News Press on Anniversary
"...simply top notch her performance is amazing."
--Big Short Films for Foreign Body
“Driscoll is surrounded by quite the gifted ensemble cast, as well, including a complex and satisfying turn by Alisha Seaton, whose performance as Laura reveals a woman whose full story and motives aren't fully revealed until the story winds down. It's a tremendous credit to Seaton that we remain drawn into Laura's story despite never quite being certain of her story”
-- Independent Critic
“Whenever Alisha Seaton appears in the frame, the film becomes eerie at its best; she doesn't let her character fade against others who have more screen time.”